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Sealed with a Melodic Kiss: Unveiling Kiss Of A Rose Lyrics!

Kiss Of A Rose Lyrics

Kiss Of A Rose Lyrics is a beautiful and romantic song by Seal, filled with poetic imagery and captivating melodies. Experience the magic of love!

The lyrics of Kiss from a Rose by Seal are undoubtedly captivating, as they effortlessly transport the listener into a realm of powerful emotions and deep introspection. With its enchanting melody and poetic verses, this timeless ballad has become an anthem of love and vulnerability. From the very first note, the hauntingly beautiful song ensnares the senses, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who dare to delve into its depths. As the lyrics unfold, a tapestry of intense longing and passionate yearning is woven, creating a euphoric atmosphere that transcends time and space. Each line, carefully crafted with evocative imagery and profound metaphors, reveals a story of love's triumphs and tribulations, inviting the audience to embark on a journey of self-discovery and profound connection.

The Origins of Kiss From a Rose

Released in 1994, Kiss From a Rose by Seal quickly became one of the most iconic love ballads of all time. The song gained even more popularity when it was featured on the soundtrack of the hit movie Batman Forever. With its haunting melody and poetic lyrics, Kiss From a Rose continues to captivate listeners worldwide. Let's take a closer look at the meaning behind the unforgettable lyrics.

The Enigmatic Lyrics

At first glance, the lyrics of Kiss From a Rose may appear enigmatic and open to interpretation. However, upon closer examination, the song's themes of love, longing, and vulnerability become apparent. Seal's poetic approach allows listeners to connect with the emotions conveyed in the song on a deep level.

A Symbolic Journey

The lyrics take us on a symbolic journey through the depths of love and its complexities. Seal masterfully uses various metaphors to depict the stages of a relationship, evoking a sense of mystery and intrigue. Each verse reveals a different layer of emotion, painting a vivid picture of the highs and lows of love.

There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea

The song opens with this evocative line, setting the stage for a tale of isolation and longing. The graying tower represents a person who feels detached and lonely, standing apart from the vastness of the sea. This imagery creates a sense of vulnerability and sets the tone for the rest of the song.

Now that your rose is in bloom, a light hits the gloom on the gray

This line signifies the transformative power of love. The rose symbolizes the blossoming of a relationship, bringing light and joy to the darkness. By juxtaposing the image of a blooming rose against the gloomy gray, Seal highlights the contrast between loneliness and love.

The Power of Love

Throughout the song, Seal emphasizes the transformative power of love. He explores the idea that love can heal wounds, provide solace, and elevate the human spirit. The lyrics evoke a sense of hope and optimism, emphasizing the profound impact that love can have on one's life.

A Universal Message

One of the reasons why Kiss From a Rose resonates with so many people is its universal message. The lyrics capture the essence of love in a way that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries. Regardless of one's background or experiences, the emotions conveyed in the song are relatable to all.

An Everlasting Legacy

Over two decades since its release, Kiss From a Rose continues to be a beloved classic. It has stood the test of time and remains an integral part of pop culture. The song's timeless appeal lies in its ability to touch hearts and souls, making it a cherished favorite for generations to come.


Seal's Kiss From a Rose is not merely a song; it is a poetic masterpiece that delves into the depths of human emotion. Its ethereal lyrics and haunting melody continue to captivate listeners, reminding us of the power and beauty of love. Whether you interpret the lyrics personally or simply appreciate the music, Kiss From a Rose holds a special place in the hearts of many.

Introduction: Unveiling the Allure of Kiss Of A Rose Lyrics - A Captivating Exploration

With its haunting melody and poetic lyrics, Kiss Of A Rose has captured the hearts of listeners for decades. This captivating exploration delves into the allure of the song's lyrics, uncovering the depths of symbolism, poetic brilliance, and universal resonance that make it a timeless masterpiece.

Poetic Brilliance: Delve into the Mesmerizing Use of Metaphors and Rich Imagery within the Lyrics

One of the most striking aspects of Kiss Of A Rose lyrics is the poetic brilliance that shines through the masterful use of metaphors and rich imagery. As the lyrics unfold, they paint a vivid picture that transcends the boundaries of ordinary language, immersing listeners in a world of enchantment and beauty.

Symbolism and Depth: Unravel the Hidden Meanings behind the Rose and Its Significance throughout the Song

At the heart of Kiss Of A Rose lies the symbolism of the rose, a timeless emblem of love and passion. The lyrics subtly weave this symbol throughout the song, hinting at the complexities and fragility of human emotions. Unraveling the hidden meanings behind the rose allows listeners to appreciate the depth and intricacy of the lyrics.

Sensory Overload: Feel the Intensity of the Lyrics as They Evoke Vivid Emotions through Powerful Sensory Descriptions

The lyrics of Kiss Of A Rose evoke a sensory overload, enveloping listeners in a whirlwind of emotions. Through powerful sensory descriptions, the lyrics create an intense atmosphere, allowing us to feel the passion, longing, and vulnerability expressed in every word. It is through these vivid emotions that the lyrics truly come to life.

Romantic Allegory: Discover the Overarching Theme of Love and Its Multi-Faceted Representation within the Song's Lyrics

Love, in all its forms and complexities, is the overarching theme of Kiss Of A Rose. The lyrics explore the multi-faceted nature of love, weaving a tapestry of emotions that range from euphoria to heartache. By delving into the various representations of love within the song, listeners are reminded of their own experiences and the universal power of this profound emotion.

Enigmatic Ambiguity: Explore the Layers of Ambiguity That Leave Room for Individual Interpretation and Create a Sense of Mystery

The enigmatic ambiguity present in Kiss Of A Rose lyrics adds an intriguing layer of depth to the song. The carefully crafted words leave room for individual interpretation, allowing listeners to find personal meaning within the lyrics. This sense of mystery invites us to delve deeper into the song, unraveling its secrets and discovering new layers of understanding with each listen.

Melodic Harmony: Examine How the Lyrics Effortlessly Intertwine with the Melody, Enhancing the Overall Musical Experience

One cannot discuss Kiss Of A Rose without acknowledging the seamless harmony between the lyrics and the melody. The lyrics effortlessly intertwine with the haunting melody, creating a symbiotic relationship that enhances the overall musical experience. This harmonious union showcases the brilliance of the song's composition and the profound impact it has on listeners.

Timeless Appeal: Recognize the Enduring Nature of Kiss Of A Rose Lyrics, Which Have Struck a Chord with Audiences for Decades

Decades after its release, Kiss Of A Rose continues to captivate audiences with its timeless appeal. The lyrics, with their depth and emotional resonance, have struck a chord with listeners from different generations and backgrounds. This enduring nature speaks to the universal themes and emotions encapsulated within the song, reminding us of the power of music to transcend time.

Paradigm of Passion: Uncover the Passionate and Deeply Heartfelt Expressions of Love Conveyed through the Song's Lyrics

Kiss Of A Rose serves as a paradigm of passion, expressing love in its rawest and most heartfelt form. The lyrics are filled with intense emotions and poignant declarations of affection, transporting listeners to a realm where love reigns supreme. Through the song's lyrics, we are reminded of the depth of human connection and the transformative power of love.

Universal Resonance: Appreciate How the Themes and Emotions Encapsulated in the Lyrics Transcend Boundaries, Resonating with Listeners Worldwide

Finally, the beauty of Kiss Of A Rose lies in its ability to resonate with listeners worldwide. The themes and emotions encapsulated in the lyrics transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries, touching the hearts of people from all walks of life. It is this universal resonance that has made Kiss Of A Rose a beloved song, forging connections and creating a shared experience among diverse audiences.

The Story Behind Kiss From a Rose Lyrics


Released in 1994, Kiss From a Rose is a popular song by the British singer Seal. The lyrics of this enchanting ballad have captivated listeners for decades, and its soaring melody has become an iconic part of pop music history. Let us delve into the story behind the lyrics and explore the meaning and interpretation of this timeless classic.

Lyrics Analysis

Verse 1:

There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea.

In the opening lines, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of solitude and desolation. The graying tower symbolizes a person who feels isolated and disconnected from the rest of the world. The mention of the sea adds a touch of mystery and vastness, emphasizing the depth of their loneliness.


Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah.

This catchy chorus captures the intense emotions experienced when falling in love. The lyrics suggest that the more the protagonist gets to know their love interest, the more mysterious and captivating they become. It showcases the element of surprise and fascination that often accompanies new relationships.

Verse 2:

Now that your rose is in bloom, a light hits the gloom on the gray.

In these lines, the lyrics introduce a metaphorical rose, representing the beauty and brightness that the love interest brings into the protagonist's life. The light hitting the gloom signifies how love can dispel darkness, bringing hope and joy to even the most somber situations.


I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray.

This iconic line is the heart of the song, where the lyrics draw a captivating comparison between the love interest and a kiss from a rose. It suggests that just as a rose's fragrance is intoxicating and beautiful, their love intoxicates and brings beauty to the protagonist's life.

Interpretation and Tone

The lyrics of Kiss From a Rose evoke a sense of longing, mystery, and enchantment. The use of poetic metaphors adds depth and richness to the song, allowing listeners to interpret the lyrics based on their own experiences. The tone of the song is both melancholic and uplifting, capturing the bittersweet nature of love and its ability to transform our lives.

Table: Kiss From a Rose Lyrics Overview

Lyric Section Description
Verse 1 Introduces a lonely tower symbolizing isolation
Chorus Expresses the strangeness and fascination of falling in love
Verse 2 Showcases the transformative power of love
Bridge Compares the love interest to a kiss from a rose

Overall, Kiss From a Rose lyrics take us on a journey of emotional discovery, exploring the complexities of love and the profound impact it can have on our lives. Seal's captivating vocals combined with the poetic imagery make this song a true masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences around the world.

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to explore the mesmerizing lyrics of Kiss Of A Rose. This iconic song by Seal has captivated millions of hearts since its release in 1994, and its deeply poetic lyrics continue to resonate with listeners of all generations. Through this blog post, we aimed to delve into the profound meaning behind the words, unraveling the layers of emotions and symbolism hidden within.

As we explored the lyrics, we discovered that Kiss Of A Rose is a beautifully enigmatic composition that invites interpretation and personal connection. It's a song that speaks to the complexity of love, with its highs and lows, its joy and pain. The lyrics take us on a journey through the depths of human emotions, capturing the essence of passion, longing, and vulnerability.

Throughout the blog post, we carefully dissected each verse, line by line, unveiling the underlying messages and metaphors. From the enigmatic opening lines, There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea, to the haunting chorus, Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray, every word carries weight and significance. We hope that our analysis has shed light on the beauty and intricacy of the lyrics, allowing you to appreciate the song on a deeper level.

In conclusion, Kiss Of A Rose is a timeless masterpiece that continues to touch souls across the globe. Its lyrics offer a window into the complexities and nuances of love and relationships. We hope that our exploration of the song's lyrics has provided you with a fresh perspective and sparked a deeper appreciation for this enchanting piece of music. Thank you once again for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to sharing more insightful content with you in the future.


People Also Ask about Kiss Of A Rose Lyrics

1. What are the lyrics to Kiss Of A Rose by Seal?

Here are the lyrics to Kiss of a Rose by Seal:

There used to be a