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Get Emotive with Thru Your Phone Lyrics - Uncover Heartbreak in Music

Thru Your Phone Lyrics

Thru Your Phone Lyrics: Dive into the emotional world of betrayal and heartbreak through these powerful lyrics that expose the pain of love gone wrong.

Music has always been a powerful way to express emotions that we may find difficult to articulate with words alone. Thru Your Phone by Cardi B is a prime example of this, as the lyrics delve into the pain and heartbreak of being betrayed in a relationship. The song's emotive lyrics perfectly capture the feelings of betrayal and hurt that many of us can relate to.

Cardi B's lyrics are raw and honest, pulling no punches when it comes to describing the pain of infidelity. The song's chorus is particularly effective, with Cardi singing, So I'ma let karma do the rest, cause if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. These words perfectly capture the frustration and disappointment that comes from feeling like you've been used and discarded by someone who claimed to love you.

But Thru Your Phone goes beyond just expressing heartbreak - it's also about taking control of your own life and moving on from toxic relationships. In lines like You gon' be back though, every time I leave, Cardi recognizes that her ex-partner may try to come back into her life, but she's ready to move forward and let karma take its course.

If you're looking for a song that speaks directly to the pain of heartbreak, Thru Your Phone is an excellent choice. With its raw, emotive lyrics and catchy beats, it's a song that will have you feeling all the feels and tapping your feet at the same time. So turn up the volume and let Cardi B take you on a journey through heartbreak and healing.

The Power of Music

Music has always been a powerful tool to convey emotions that we might find difficult to articulate with words alone. Thru Your Phone by Cardi B is an excellent example of how music can capture the pain and heartbreak of betrayal in a relationship, allowing us to connect with our emotions at a deeper level.

Raw and Honest Lyrics

Cardi B's lyrics in Thru Your Phone are raw, honest, and straight to the point. She pulls no punches when it comes to describing the agony of infidelity and the feeling of being used and discarded by someone who claimed to love you. Her words are relatable and resonant, capturing the frustrations and disappointments that come with such experiences.

The Chorus - A Powerful Expression of Frustration

One of the most effective parts of Thru Your Phone's lyrics is its chorus. When Cardi sings, So I'ma let karma do the rest, 'cause if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it, she perfectly captures the frustration and disappointment of being betrayed in a relationship. The line suggests that maybe, just maybe, the person who hurt her would have valued her more and wouldn't have cheated if they had committed themselves more fully to the relationship.

Moving on from Toxic Relationships

Thru Your Phone is not just about expressing heartbreak, it's also about taking control of your life and moving on from toxic relationships. Cardi recognizes that even though her ex-partner may try to come back into her life, she is ready to move forward and let Karma take its course. This resilience inspires listeners who may be going through similar situations and lets them know that it's okay to walk away from toxicity.

The Emotional Journey of Listening to Thru Your Phone

Listening to Thru Your Phone can feel like an emotional journey. The ups and downs of the song's beats and melody combined with Cardi's powerful lyrics transport listeners to the raw emotions of their past relationships. Whether it's the pain of heartbreak, the frustration of not being valued enough by a partner, or the strength found within oneself to move on, Thru Your Phone evokes a myriad of emotions.

Why Thru Your Phone is an Excellent Choice for Those Dealing with Heartbreak

Thru Your Phone is an excellent choice for anyone dealing with heartbreak. The song's raw, emotive lyrics and catchy beats help listeners feel every feeling and vibe with the rhythm at the same time. Through Cardi's moving and inspiring storytelling of her experience, anyone going through heartbreak will find solace in knowing they are not alone.

Comparison with Other Heartbreak-Related Songs

Thru Your Phone by Cardi B
Raw, emotive lyrics that explore the pain of betrayal and heartbreak More melancholic in tone, describes the sadness of losing someone you love
Catchy beats and a rhythm that inspires listeners to tap their feet A slow ballad that evokes emotions of sadness, loss, and longing
Message of empowerment and resilience - taking control of your own life Describes the sense of emptiness after losing someone but offers a message of hope for future love


Thru Your Phone by Cardi B is a great song that speaks directly to the pain of heartbreak, providing listeners with a soundtrack for their emotional journey. Cardi B's powerful storytelling and raw lyrics inspire those going through similar experiences and provide a message of empowerment and resilience, sharing stories of betrayal and letting go to heal. Whether you're looking to dance to the beat or wallow in your emotions, Thru Your Phone is a must-listen for anyone dealing with the aftermath of a toxic relationship.


Thru Your Phone Lyrics is a soulful and emotionally charged song that delves into the theme of betrayal and heartbreak through the lens of modern technology.

Poignant storytelling

Through heartfelt and thought-provoking lyrics, this song tells a captivating story of love and deception experienced through the betrayal of a partner's actions displayed on their phone. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a relationship shattered by the discovery of infidelity, allowing listeners to immerse themselves in the narrative and empathize with the singer's pain.

Raw vulnerability

The lyrics evoke a feeling of vulnerability as the singer expresses their pain, sadness, and anger over discovering infidelity via the partner's phone. The raw emotions are palpable, creating a sense of authenticity and relatability for anyone who has experienced the devastating effects of betrayal.

Confronting technology's impact

This song raises awareness about the impact of technology on relationships, highlighting the ease with which one can betray and be betrayed in the digital age. It serves as a reminder of the potential consequences and pitfalls that come with relying on devices as a means of communication and connection.

Empathy for the betrayed

The lyrics create a sense of empathy for the betrayed individual, allowing listeners to connect with the raw emotions experienced when faced with such a heartbreaking situation. The singer's vulnerability and honesty in expressing their pain fosters a deep understanding and compassion for those who have been hurt in similar circumstances.

Reflection of real-life experiences

Thru Your Phone Lyrics speaks to the shared experiences of many individuals who have encountered the pain and betrayal that can emerge through personal relationships and technological communication. It serves as a reminder that no one is immune to heartbreak and that trust can be easily shattered.

Emotional depth

The lyrics explore the full spectrum of emotions, ranging from anguish and heartbreak to anger and vindication, making it a relatable musical piece for those who have experienced similar situations. The raw and honest portrayal of these emotions allows listeners to connect on a deep level and find solace in knowing that they are not alone in their pain.

A cautionary tale

By delving into the potential consequences of betrayal through technology, the song acts as a cautionary tale, urging listeners to be mindful of the trust they place in their partners. It serves as a reminder that relationships require open communication and honesty to thrive, and that relying solely on technology can lead to devastating outcomes.

Evocative imagery

The lyrics employ vivid and poignant imagery, drawing listeners into the singer's world and inviting them to experience the emotions and turmoil firsthand. The use of powerful metaphors and descriptive language adds depth to the storytelling, allowing the audience to visualize the pain and betrayal described in the song.

A tale of self-discovery

Ultimately, Thru Your Phone Lyrics encapsulates a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as the singer finds the strength to move forward and reclaim their own happiness after the heart-wrenching experience of betrayal. The song serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, one can find the power within themselves to heal and grow stronger.

Storytelling: Thru Your Phone Lyrics


Once upon a time, in a world where technology had a profound impact on relationships, there was a song called Thru Your Phone that captured the emotions and experiences of many individuals. Through its poignant lyrics, it explored the feelings of betrayal, mistrust, and heartbreak that arise when one discovers incriminating evidence on their partner's phone.

Verse 1

The first verse of Thru Your Phone delves into the initial suspicion felt by the protagonist. They stumble upon their partner's phone, perhaps unintentionally, and find themselves unable to resist the temptation to dig deeper. As they scroll through messages and pictures, their heart sinks as they uncover evidence of infidelity - a web of lies that shatters their trust.


The chorus of the song is a powerful expression of the protagonist's pain and anger. Through raw and honest lyrics, they convey their disbelief and hurt, questioning how someone they loved could deceive them in such a way. The chorus serves as an emotional outlet for the protagonist, allowing them to voice their anguish and confront their unfaithful partner.

Verse 2

In the second verse, the lyrics dive deeper into the aftermath of the discovery. The protagonist confronts their partner, demanding answers and explanations for their actions. The lyrics reflect a sense of empowerment as the protagonist refuses to accept empty apologies and seeks closure. They express their determination to move forward without the weight of betrayal dragging them down.


The bridge of Thru Your Phone brings a shift in tone, highlighting the vulnerability that often accompanies heartbreak. The lyrics touch upon the memories shared with their partner, the moments of happiness that now feel tainted by deceit. The bridge serves as a reminder that healing takes time and that even amidst the pain, there is a glimmer of hope for a better future.


Thru Your Phone is a song that resonates with many individuals who have experienced the heart-wrenching betrayal of infidelity. Through its lyrics, it captures the rollercoaster of emotions that come with discovering the truth through a partner's phone. It serves as a reminder that even in the face of betrayal, one can find strength, healing, and ultimately move on to a brighter tomorrow.

Table: Thru Your Phone Lyrics

Section Lyrics
Verse 1 Scrolling

Thank you for taking the time to read and explore the world of Thru Your Phone lyrics. We hope this article has inspired you to embrace your emotions and connect with the heartbreak in music.

While we may not always want to confront or admit our own pain, music can be a powerful tool for catharsis and healing. Thru Your Phone lyrics delve into the raw, vulnerable feelings that come with betrayal and heartbreak, and can serve as a comforting reminder that we are not alone in our struggles.

We encourage you to continue exploring music that speaks to your emotions and allows you to connect with yourself on a deeper level. Through art and self-expression, we can find solace in our pain and ultimately move towards healing and growth.

People also ask about Get Emotive with Thru Your Phone Lyrics - Uncover Heartbreak in Music:

  • What is the meaning behind Thru Your Phone?
  • Who wrote the lyrics for Thru Your Phone?
  • What genre of music is Thru Your Phone classified as?
  • What other songs are similar to Thru Your Phone?
  • What emotions does Thru Your Phone evoke in listeners?
  1. The meaning behind Thru Your Phone is about heartbreak and betrayal in a relationship. The lyrics talk about finding incriminating evidence on a partner's phone and feeling hurt and betrayed.
  2. Thru Your Phone was written by American singer-songwriter Cardi B along with its producer, Needlz.
  3. Thru Your Phone can be classified as hip-hop music with elements of trap and R&B.
  4. Songs that are similar to Thru Your Phone include Sorry by Beyoncé, Before I Let Go by Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, and Irreplaceable by Beyoncé.
  5. Thru Your Phone evokes emotions of heartbreak, betrayal, anger, and sadness in listeners. The lyrics and Cardi B's delivery create a powerful and emotional experience for the listener.